Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Random Thinkings...

I present you with the second installment of random thoughts floating around in my mind. These are things I may or may not spend much time thinking about, but they nonetheless pop up and steal away some brain power from time to time...In no particular order here they are:

The site is nowhere near as fun as you'd think it would be based on the name alone. Quite disappointing actually. I feel like writing them a letter telling them they have wasted a potentially great website name.

Obama delays his promise to gays. Basically up to this point "gay" people are not technically "allowed" in the US military. However, many of them have joined and are serving and there is generally a do not ask, do not tell kind of mentality surrounding it. Obama has promised that he would lift the ban on openly gay people in the military and it is taking longer it should. The way I look at it, if someone is foolish enough to volunteer to get shot at they can do it wearing a pink tu-tu, a fur hat, with a tattoo that says "I'm Gay!" on their forehead listening to the Village People for all I care. It takes a special kind of person to go into a career knowing it may cost them their life, if that person happens to have a lisp and frosted tips, so be it.

I wish I could go into the bank and order oversized cheques, like the ones you used to see when someone won a million dollars from Publisher's Clearing House. I would use them to pay my rent. It would be fantastic watching my 100lb Portuguese landlady struggling to make it out the door with it, fitting it in her backseat, to take it to get it cashed. There's no depositing that in the bank machine. Besides, they just look cool. You could get a cheque for $2 and feel important for a few minutes.

If you ever get a chance to ride in a time machine and you are going to the future, would sticking your arm out the window turn it into a fossil?

Have you ever been more into the "idea" of someone more than the actual person?

This one is kind of gross but I will say it anyways. Animals such as dogs have different blood types. Do different breeds of dog have different blood types? Do vets yell out "I need 2 pints of cocker-poo STAT!"? I could likely Google that but it is more fun to wonder.

Do you ever have dreams where evil Teletubbies take you hostage and keep making those messed up noises they make at you? Yeah me neither...

Am I the only person that finds it very alarming that the people who definitely should not be having kids seem to be procreating at an alarming rate? Smart people seem to stop having kids after 1 or 2, but the Jerry Springer types think 4-6 is a good number. Need proof? Go to Walmart.

Until next time, stay thirsty my friends.

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