Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When Cougars Attack...

While brainstorming about possible blog topics on the way to Wendy's I thought of a somewhat amusing topic. Older, aggressive women that try just a little too hard...aka "the cougar". You will not see a special anytime soon on the Discovery Channel about these cougars though. One of my best friends back home was even nicknamed the "Cougar Tamer", these women usually were drawn like magnets to him and he was not opposed to "getting to know" them. It was hilarious watching it happen while out at a bar, it was like watching the Rainman guessing the number of toothpicks on the floor. After the fact I would always ask "why do you like the cougars?" and he would always reply "I could look at it like it is a gift or a curse, I choose to view it as a gift". It's hard to argue with that logic.

I'm not opposed to somewhat older women, but cougars are not my thing. They terrify me just a little and usually look a little "weathered". They tend to be too openly aggressive and don't like taking no for an answer. It is not in my nature to be openly rude so I have a hard time getting away from them.

I was out at a dance club when I was 22 with my roommates when we saw this woman (henceforth referred to as the "cougar"). She was noticeably drunk even though it was fairly early in the evening. She seemed to be visibly causing a commotion everywhere she went in the club. We found a table and sat down, away from the dancefloor and started telling jokes and just having a good time. I had my back to the main walkway in the club and my roomates started to look at me with a look best described as trying not to laugh mixed with perverse horror. It took me a split second to piece together what could possibly be causing this look ...just as I felt my stomach start to lurch at the thought of it, I felt the leathery hands grab at my face from behind me. I quickly spun away from the hands and turned to face the violator...It was like staring into the face of the medusa. She was at least 40, looked like she was a refugee from some small town legion, smoked two packs of Marlboro's a day without the filter (you could see the smoking creases in her lips - something I personally find hard to resist), was wearing acid washed jeans with white sneakers, makeup looked like it was applied with a paintball gun, and her dyed blond hair might have been dried by jumping out of an airplane. I was completely horrified. Apparently she took my look of horror another way (or perhaps she just saw the moment of weakness) and the next thing I knew she had me by the face and was coming at me trying to kiss me. I've had dogs try to bite my face and my neck muscles have never lurched my head away as quickly as they did at that point. Thank goodness for the fight or flight reaction we are born with as it would have possibly scarred me for life had she kissed me. Her breath reeked of stale liquor and cigarettes, it was worth whatever risk of self induced whiplash I subjected myself to in order to avoid her. I'd never been manhandled before and I was not loving it and was not sure how to put an end to it. So I did what any of you would have done...I pointed to one of my roomates (who was laughing and enjoying the show) and told the cougar "He said you were HOT and was hoping you'd come over here..." (sure I threw him under the bus, but in all fairness he was the oldest in the group and the closest to her age). His smile and laughter quickly ended as she made her way towards him and grabbed his face as well. I have to admit, that was hilariously funny to watch when it it wasn't happening to me. Even with some advance notice she was able to grab his face and sort of graze his lips before he got away. We later taunted him incessantly that he didn't make it away cleanly because deep down he kinda liked it. She harassed him for about 5 minutes until he pushed her off on the other roomate. She was a firm believer in the face grab and tried it on all three of us. Eventually one of the bouncers felt sorry for us (after laughing at us for a while) and came over. He told her to get herself together or she'd have to leave. She seemed to snap out of her attempted makeout frenzy for a moment, gathered herself, sighed and gave us all a look as if to say we had embarassed her in some way, then walked away. It'd be a funny enough story if it ended there, wouldn't it? Oh but I assure you it did not end there...if only it did. Thinking back on it now, I see how this night caused lives to be changed and destinies to be altered was the butterfly effect, the domino effect and just plain old bad timing all rolled into one.

The reason I went out that night was the possibility of meeting up with a girl I had a huge crush on. I liked her for almost a year and never had the nerve to ask her out. I met her when she worked at Footlocker at the mall. I ended up buying tons of shoelaces and sweatbands just so I could flirt with her. She started working at a clothing store and I started shopping there. She'd suggest clothing for me and I would buy it. I remember buying one pair of particularly ridiculous pants because she told me they looked "hot". By this point she would hug me when we met, and hug when I left. Big progress. She had a smile and a cuteness that just made me grin like an idiot. Anyways, it seemed like it was just a matter of time until the angels smiled down on us and we dated...WRONG...WRONG...
So, you're asking what the hell this has to do with the previous story? Well I will tell you just exactly what it has to do with it. After the cougar slinked back into the bar and hopefully out of our lives forever, we joked around about the events a little and how she almost got us. Scary stuff. Remembering that alcohol is a natural disinfectant I decided to walk up to the bar to get a drink. I ordered my drink and someone to my left grabbed my wrist. To my delight I looked over and saw it was the girl from the mall and she has one of those smiles that just makes me stutter a little. The wrist grabbed turned into a hand holding. I totally forgot about the traumatic cougar events for the time being and just looked at that smile while she kept holding my hand. All too abruptly I realized that someone was putting their hands in my front pockets. She could tell by the look on my face that something was horribly wrong. It was precisely at that moment that it hit me that if there was a hand in each pocket but she was holding one of my hands in her hand, there was no way it was her hands in my pocket... I let go of her hand, took the hands out of my pockets (they were holding my money at this point) and turned to face whoever it was. Of course it was this demon bag lady from hell with a huge smile on her face. I grabbed my cash out of her hands and told her nicely to leave me alone. I turned back around and saw that the girl was no longer smiling and was looking at me with a "what the hell was that all about?" look on her face. The next thing I knew the cougar was beside me and the girl and said to me "I sen yo to da ba to buy us a dwink and I see you talkin to this b*tch??", while she unsuccessfully attempted to grope me. The girl looked at me with a look of undisguised disgust, turned around and walked away. The cougar stumbled away laughing to herself. I stood there wondering what the hell just happened and wishing I might spontaneously combust. Unfortunately I did not.

You are likely thinking that I exaggerated the part about destinies being altered and lives would be wrong my friend. Later THAT night, the girl ran into a friend who introduced her to her friend (a guy). She ended up dating this guy, marrying this guy and moving away. The guy had a bit of a drug problem and unfortunately she ended up with one as well. Last I heard they were divorced and she had moved back to NB and had gotten her life back on track. It all could have been possibly avoided if not for the cougar attack that given night catastrophically changing the course of events forever. When cougars attack, the fallout can be immeasurable. Be careful out there...they are among us. I will now set myself on fire for reliving this tragedy in my mind...

I heard on the radio that there is now a female sex robot that can be purchased for the low price of $7,000 - $9,000. It comes with 5 different personalities, I'm not even going to touch that one. I also question the resale value...


  1. "They tend to be too openly aggressive and don't like taking no for an answer." I think older women/men often feel like there is no time to dick around. Can you blame them? Is there anyone you know who likes hearing 'no' for an answer?

  2. There is a fine line between not having "time to dick around" and grabbing a stranger by the face and coming at them with your tongue out...

  3. Cockblocked by a cougar...

  4. You don't have to be a cougar to grab a stranger by the face and come at them with your tongue out. That's done quite often by young men. Ewwww

  5. CB'd by the C for sure...and a guy that does that is a douchebag, totally different blog topic...
