Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Deep Thoughts...

Here it is again for your reading enjoyment, a collection of my random thoughts in no particular order! Enjoy.

1. What the hell is wrong with Mel Gibson? They were playing clips of him ranting at his wife today on The Edge and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Say it isn't so Braveheart. You've obviously lost your damn mind. It reminds me of when my mom gave our piano to a religious guy in our town. He later turned out to be a huge pedophile and served 5 years in jail for it. Good thing our piano went to someone that could use it. Well actually that doesn't have anything in common with Mel Gibson but I remember it now all of a sudden. First Kramer is a bigtime racist and now Mad Max is a racist lunatic? He's about one more rant away from being in a mental institution in Australia. Forget Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, it's Mad Max: Beyond Anger Management.

2. When is the Straight Pride Parade? I keep searching the Toronto Festival website but I can't find it.

3. I tried Absinthe the other night and I was a little disappointed in it. I've always wanted to try it and I pictured it conjuring up hallucinations, a Mel Gibson like rant, or possibly cutting off an ear and none of that happened. Perhaps I had it hyped up too much. And why the hell does it taste like Sambuca??

4. Hair is overrated. I keep thinking about all the extra free time I have from not having to style my hair. I've literally saved days worth of time. Not to mention all the money I save on haircuts and hair products. Poor suckers with hair, I almost pity you. Also being hairless lets me reach my full potential for speed. Special sidenote: I AM thinking about growing out my bangs. I have weighed the pros of style and uniqeness versus the cons of being less streamlined and possible jealousy, I am still undecided.

5. At what point should it be socially acceptable to punch someone in the face while waiting in a food lineup? I vote for "after he bumps into you 4 times when there is way more than enough room for him to move around". I am open to suggestions though.

Until next time remember that a canister of compressed air is not a toy...

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